Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. These are high-risk investments and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. These are high-risk investments and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

About us

Part of Downing LLP

Downing is a responsible investment manager established in London in 1986. We currently manage c.£2 billion of assets under a broad range of investment mandates across our funds, investment trusts and tax-efficient products. As a certified B Corporation we are focused on creating a sustainable future and our key investment areas are renewable energy, infrastructure, property and healthcare.

The Downing Bond platform launched in 2016 as an alternative way for businesses to raise finance, whilst providing retail investors with access to investment opportunities that typically require a higher entry level of investment.

The bond platform has successfully raised over £200 million, helping to support businesses in a variety of different sectors.

Downing Bonds

These are simply Corporate Bonds not listed on a stock exchange. They aren't listed because when companies want to raise smaller amounts of money for a shorter term, the costs and the time it takes to list makes it prohibitive.

Investing in Downing Bonds is very straight forward. Simply choose the investment or investments that are right for you and begin to accrue interest at the rate advertised. Interest terms can vary, with some Bonds paying interest at regular intervals and others rolling up and compounding, helping to maximise returns.

The majority of Bonds on offer have a fixed term and so investors should expect to hold the Bond until maturity (typically 1-3 years). Our Bonds are asset backed and typically hold a first charge over assets, however, they are considered high risk investments and so as with any investment, you should do your research before investing.

Our Values

  • Bold and ambitious

    We focus on putting money to work.

    We find innovative solutions, adapting to the ever-changing needs of our investment community.

    We are commercial and resourceful, working with ambitious, growing management teams.

  • Straightforward

    We aim to cut through complexity and present simple, authentic solutions.

    We strive to make our work understood and accessible to all.

    We are straight-talking and easy to deal with.

  • Supportive

    We build lasting relationships based on trust, respect and shared goals.

    We thrive together, building mutual success for us and our investment community.

    We are sincere, honest and fair. 

Our offices


St Magnus House,
3 Lower Thames Street,
London EC3R 6HD


14 St Andrews Crescent,
Cardiff CF10 3DD


23 Newton Place,
G3 7PY


7A Odenplan,
Norrtullsgatan 6,
113 26 Stockholm